The Bay Clinic of Chiropractic Medicine in Panama City, FL

Dr. Salamay Chiropractor Panama City, FL

Chiropractic medicine is more than simply adjustment of the spine, though that’s certainly a fundamental part of exactly what Chiropractors do. Indeed, chiropractic is a viewpoint of healing based in common sense and respect for the very efficient natural engineering of the body. Without getting too slowed down in the technical side of things, let’s briefly analyze exactly what sets chiropractic medication apart from conventional medication so you can decide if chiropractic is right for you and your health. 

Among the central concepts of chiropractic medicine is that the body is its own finest therapist. There’s absolutely nothing naturally mystical or supernatural about that; indeed, it’s the basis of many traditional medicine too, which is (or used to be) centered on putting the body in its finest position to recover itself. Consider a cut, for example: there’s no medication or technique that causes the skin to close itself up again, as it’s the body’s own cells restoring that fixes the wound. The most that can be done by a medical professional or other healer is to make it as easy as possible for the body to take care of itself, and that’s the task that chiropractors still seek to do.

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For more information about Chiropractic Medicine or to schedule and appointment, give us a call! (850) 785-9372